Just a short post to firstly pop my blogging cherry – done (grin) and to welcome you to my website, which like me is a bit of an eclectic mixture of my artistic creations, my work creations, my thoughts, feelings, ideas and sometimes a little bit of what is going on in my life.
The aim is to update this firstly with all my poetry from down the years, so that it is readily accessible in one location and to showcase some of my favourite flickr uploads. From then on everything will go on chronologically as I create it, think it, or have a view (aka rant) about it.
Feedback is very welcome, so be sure to comment and let me know what you think on the content of pages, posts and pictures, but also on the website.
Looking forward to spending a bit of time with my anonymous audience.
Thanks for reading and tread safely in the light!
Wealie x