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Artist in residence at Bristol Hobbycraft on Saturday 28 Sept 2013

I’m looking forward to tomorrow as I get to have fun demonstrating my art at Hobbycraft Bristol, Cribbs Causeway as their Artist in residence. I’m going to be doing some dylusion ink art, mono printing on my Gelli Arts Gel … Continue reading
Posted in Doodles, My Art, Other, Paintings, Patterns, Wealie Arts
Tagged abstract, abstract art, acrylic paints, acrylics, art, doodle, doodles, doodling, fine liner, fineliner, gelli plate, ink art, mono printing, painting, pen and ink, ruth weal, wealie, Wealie art, wealie arts, wealie doodle, zentangle, zentangles, zentangling
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Born Under A Storm

One of my family’s favourite stories about me (of which there are many), is how I was born under a raging summer storm. In fact, that August in the year of my birth was a very stormy one and apparently … Continue reading
Posted in My Art, My Blog, Paintings, Poetry and Prose, Videos and Animation
Tagged abstract, abstract art, acrylic paints, acrylics, art, canvas, colours, goddess, Goddess incarnation, lightning, Mother Nature, nature, painting, poem, poetic, poetry, poetry and prose, prose, ruth weal, storm, Storm Goddess, stormy, symbol, symbolic, symbolism, thunder, Thunder and lightning, Thunder and Lightning Storm, Thunder Storm, wealie
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Dealing with depression

I read a really good article about depression today called In the Fog by Ginger, who shared her personal story and the things she has learnt about depression and how to cope with it. If you get the chance it … Continue reading
Posted in My Art, My Blog, Paintings, Photography, Poetry and Prose, Wealie News
Tagged abstract art, Anxiety, blog, Dealing with depression, Depressed, depression, photo, photograph, poem, poetic, poetry, poetry and prose, ruth weal, self portrait, Stress, wealie
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This painting is kind of a cross between a painting and a doodle, the detail is very evocative of my doodle styles. The more intricate design is thanks to some spiffy new itty bitty paint brushes that I used to … Continue reading
Posted in Doodles, My Art, Paintings
Tagged abstract art, acrylic paints, acrylics, art, canvas, doodle, painting, ruth weal, wealie
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Little Swimmer

Definitely a very cute little critter and a fantastic swimmer to boot! I was lucky enough to get a non-blurry pic of this little bit swimming around as they’re awful fast. It’s amazing how often you can see water voles in … Continue reading
Posted in My Art, Paintings
Tagged constable's walk, countryside, cute, elisabeth gardens, endangered species, english countryside, fauna, furry, john constable, mammal, nature, photo, photograph, photography, ruth weal, salisbury, Salisbury England, town path, UK, vole, water mammal, water vole, wealie, wild animals
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Convergence (A Self Portrait)

This is one of my older paintings and has a lot of meaning for me. I painted it during the dark days after my Grandmother died when it was too painful to write, too painful to be around anyone, too … Continue reading
Posted in My Art, Paintings
Tagged abstract art, acrylic paints, acrylics, art, blue, blues, canvas, dealing with grief, family ties, friends, grief, Lisa, loss, nan, painting, ruth weal, symbol, symbolic, symbolism, turning grief into art, wealie
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